Scrapping Your Car is a great option for individuals who have an old, unwanted vehicle that they no longer want.
Sales Headache
When you decide Scrapping Your Car, you won’t have to go through the headache of negotiating a sale price. Our experienced, licensed technicians will evaluate your vehicle and give you a cash Quote on the spot. We accept all makes and models, so you can be sure that we’ll have the perfect buyer for your vehicle.
Pick up
We will come to your home and pick up your Scrap Car. All you have to do is provide the address, contact number, and license plate number of your vehicle.
Immediate Cash
No matter how much time or effort you put into maintaining your vehicle, at some point it will break down and become unusable. The best thing to do when this happens is to Get Rid of Your Car and use the money toward something more useful like a new car or home repairs.
Tax Benefits
If you donate your car to charity instead of Selling it for cash, then you can write off the value of your donation on your taxes! This is a great way for people who don’t make enough money to itemize their deductions to reduce their tax burden by taking advantage of this opportunity.